If your looking to get FIT and HEALTHY but dont want the hassles of figuring out a training program, our weekly kickboxing trainings can help you.

Our sessions provide an overall workout incorporating fitness & cardio, padwork, bagwork and combinations performed in interval structure for maximum fitness results.

Kickboxing program


Classes begin with a high intensity warm-up which includes tabata protocol and other bodyweight exercises.

Pad work and drilling with a partner follow in order to develop power, timing and speed. Basic offensive and defensive techniques are then drilled using punches, kicks, clinching and groundwork.

Classes end with some cardio work, pad drills and a cool-down.

Sparring is reserved for the more advanced levels under a supervised instructor.

Our Kickboxing sessions can help you set new GOALS and become the BEST version of YOU!


✓ White Heavy Check Mark Emoji Mobilize with our fat burner sessions

✓ White Heavy Check Mark Emoji Increase your fitness, strength & stamina

✓ White Heavy Check Mark Emoji Smash some pads, bags and feel awesome

Attire: shorts, rash shirt, hand wraps, gloves. If sparring is involved additional equipment such as a mouthguard, shin pads and headgear are recommended.